The toolbar provides various options to help you create the perfect emoji. It is situated right under the app title, showing as follows:

We will refer to "selected items" when explaining the toolbar. The app treats selected item is an item of the currently selected category from the category picker, if such item exists on your emoji (for example, you might have the "eyewear" category selected but hadn't added any eyewear yet, in which case there will be no selected item). Toolbar offers the following functions:

-Remove: this removes the currently selected accessory. This option is only available for accessories; you obviously can't remove a dog's facial features for example, but if it's wearing a hat you could take it off.

-Random: the app will create an emoji for you, randomly selecting elements from all categories and their colors to combine. You can further modify this emoji the same as you would change your own.

-Adjust: allows you to tinker with the currently selected item by changing its position, size and/or opacity. For more information, there is an article on this feature here: Creating your emoji: Adjust items (position, size, opacity).

-Share: Once you're satisfied with your emoji, this will allow you to share it on various platforms. For more information, check the articles on emoji sharing in our help base.

Get DogGoArt on the App Store here.